
**Longrun Capital** is a venture capital firm investing in key enabling technologies for climate change mitigation.

We invest in early-stage Nordic companies, where our capital and expertise can maximize climate impact, while generating a superior financial return. Our Research site delivers a curated collection of news and scientific research that we follow, and serves as a repository of our independent insight publications.

Focus Areas

The climate crisis is a complex problem requiring a holistic approach. We have chosen to focus on four core areas: energy, advanced materials, buildings & construction and key enabling technologies. To achieve maximal climate impact with our invested capital, we need to understand multiple fields and sectors, and the focus areas are all interlinked with each other and the climate crisis.


Energy - Fossil-free innovations, the energy transition & energy efficiency

It’s all about energy; how energy is produced and how it’s used in industry, in buildings and in transport. More than 70% of global GHG emissions are related to how we produce, store, transport, and use energy.


Advanced Materials

Advanced materials, including nanomaterials, are essential for our societies and for green transitioning in all sectors.


Building and Construction

Greener materials and cleaner industrial processes are needed to reduce emissions in buildings and construction. Longrun has a broad network of building and construction expertise.


Key Enabling Technologies

Technologies expected to enable innovation across sectors and ultimately transform the economy.

Longrun Insights

Here you can find our original research, insights and analysis. We are happy to share what we know to help others understand climate and climate tech!

The Green Energy Transition in Sweden

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The Green Energy Transition in Sweden

Lowering carbon emissions and transitioning to net zero will require nothing short of a complete transformation of the types of energy production used on a global scale. The complex puzzle of how Sweden is planning to achieve the green energy transition is examined here.

Lignin - The new miracle biopolymer?


Lignin: A waste product that is the hot new resource for green solutions

Lignin is gaining recognition as a promising alternative to traditional fossil-fuel-derived materials. As society continues to prioritize sustainability and seeks out green solutions, lignin is emerging as a valuable resource with a wide range of potential applications. Find out how it fits into the future of green tech here.

The future is Circular - Circularity and Investing


Getting into the loop: Why the circular economy and sustainability matter for VC investing

Circular economy principles are incorporated into policy and regulation at both national and international levels, so investors will need to incorporate circular thinking into their investment strategies to ensure long-term sustainability and profitability. Read more about it here.

Boundaries Crossed - New metrics and understandings


Planetary Boundaries Update

Last week, an updated publication on the metrics and factors which contribute to planetary resilience and how the operating space for humanity is changing was released. In the publication, Richardson et al (2023) meticulously quantified and mapped all nine planetary boundaries, revealing that we have exceeded six of them. Read more here.

Exploring Sustainable Heating for Hot Water Needs


Exploring Sustainable Heating for Hot Water Needs

The landscape of space and water heating is undergoing a transformative shift. Fossil fuels, traditionally dominating energy use, are giving way to efficient and low-carbon heating technologies. Here we offer a glimpse into the current state, global challenges, and strategies for achieving sustainable heating solutions in buildings. Read more here.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)


Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF): Paving the Way for a Greener Future of Aviation (1)

As the world strives for decarbonization in all sectors, the aviation industry is taking significant steps to reduce its environmental impact. Currently, it is responsible for approximately 2.5% of global CO2 emissions, but the aviation industry aims to become carbon-neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, alternative and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) play a crucial role. Read more here.

Hydrogen-Powered Progress


Hydrogen-Powered Progress: Navigating Net-Zero Challenges

Hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a crucial component in the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. Its ability to serve as both a fuel and an energy carrier makes it versatile across various sectors, like in steel production where it can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Read more here.


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